Our latest collection features the critically acclaimed Japanese anime series, Attack on Titan. Set in a world where humanity is on the brink of extinction due to massive creatures known as Titans, it explores themes of survival, freedom, and the consequences of power.
The story follows Eren Yeager, Levi Ackermann, and Armin Arlert as they join the military to protect the last bastion of human civilization, Wall Maria, from the relentless Titan onslaught. When man-eating Titans first appeared 100 years ago, humans found safety behind massive walls, but that safety is jeopardized when a Titan smashes through the barriers, allowing the giants access to the humans. It’s then that soldier Eren Yeager sees his mom devoured by one of the creatures and vows to kill every single one. He enlists his friends who’ve survived to help him and they head into battle.